Our rookie R6:S players are steadily improving themselves and reaching new heights. Although they unfortunately lost to both NeoxFoodTakes and EqualsZero esports this past sunday, their improvement in both mechanical and tactical skills is more than noticable. The matches and rounds were a lot closer and the team was even able to pull off a couple examplary clutches and plays.
NuMi 0 - 2 NeoxFoodTakes:
[Kafe Dostoyevsky ] NuMi 0 - 7 NFT
[Chalet] NuMi 4 - 7 NFT
NuMi 0 - 2 EqualsZero esports:
[Chalet] NuMi 2 - 7 EqualsZero
[Villa] NuMi 3 - 7 EqualsZero
We will keep on fighting and face any opposing team in a head-on battle.
Wish us luck on the upcoming sunday when we go against Bulls.
Wirtten by Yashuen - Division Leader Rainbow Six: Siege
big f but keep trying my gs